Zuka Private Game Reserve provides a study area, funding and support for unconstrained thinking and research. Young scientists and students with their open minds are invited to pioneer and expose their new ideas, capture data for formal scientific processes, studies and publication. We are excited to craft findings in to transformative restoration innovations and solutions that may be shared for the greater good of our planet.
We love how the definition of an asterism speaks to our group of passionate ecologists, the young stars of the future, as well as catalysing a flow of attention and funding towards the importance of ecology as a department of infinite importance at the heart of conservation and wilderness protection.

Getty Asterism is thrilled to offer students, from undergraduates to postgraduates, the opportunity to lead their research projects on Zuka Private Game Reserve.
If you are interested in joining Getty Asterism to complete your research projects, we invite you fill out and submit this PROPOSAL form.